Thirteenth Monthly Post: Put Your Name in My Book!

I will be putting the names of all who support me on into the second edition of my book Jorgan the Sphere: A Foreshadowed Way, which will be released on the last day of next month!

Put Your Name in the Book!

You can be my Patron for a friendly dollar a month (or a fiver if you be so inclined), and your name will be added to the book (and you will of course receive a free copy of the ebook!). You will then have access to an ever increasing amount of Patron only things (including a secret language and a flaming igloo).

Patrick Lauser ready to put your name in his fantasy book.

My Thank You to all who join!

God be with you all!

Your servant,

Eleventh Monthly Post – Monstrous

I was hoping to finish one of my older projects (it is very close to done), but was inspired to improve one of my favorite games I have made:

I added two monsters to the throng you face, and some new sound effects. One monster is your own revenant bones, which you must fight with the rest of the monsters if you die.

The other monster is also you: a walking mirror which, in contrast with everything else, you must not destroy. It adds an entire layer to the skill required: trying to destroy one thing, and not another.

gif of a monster slaying game with a lantern, cleaver, and si, the number four in Chinese

My seven year old brother challenged me to make a game in two days, but it grew larger than I intended, and so I am not sure when it will appear, as I of course do not want to abandon other projects. But it’ll be great, really fun and unique.

Till soon, God be with you all!

— Patrick

Ninth Monthly Post – Into the Forest!

The second of the Memory Typing Games is out!

Into the Forest
Into the Forest memorization typing gameplay.

You memorize short, mainly two line bywords to win past monsters and various other evils to reach and reclaim your lost treasure. If you do not type it in correctly (capitalization and punctuation is important) then monsters etc. will chase you all the way back (or off the path).

Click on the fox to escape your pursuers, and to learn the necessary bywords. Your progress will be saved here.

Happy Month!

God be with you all!

— Patrick

Eighth Monthly Post – Out of The Forest!

The first of the Memorization Games is out of beta! Can you survive in the Forest without a Spellchecker?

Out of The Forest
An enchanted bit of forest, colored lights in dark trees, with the words: My Grief is covered in the Ground out of Sight,
As the Thunderclap forms the crooked Fulgurite.

You will need to memorize short, mainly two-line verses (like the one in the picture) to get past the monsters and other troubles. If you do not type it in correctly (Capitalization is important) then the monster will chase you all the way back, or off the path.

Click on the frog to escape a pursuing monster, and to learn your “Songlets”. Your progress will be saved there too.

Into The Forest

The second of the two Memorization Games will hopefully need little development before it is also finished.

A statue of a woman weeping by a doorway in sepia

It will have a browner tone, and the goal will be to recover a Precious Thing stolen from you by a…

After both these games are finished, I will release my first Twine Adventure, a text only exploratory game called Gri Leven. When I first “finished” it there was a branch I had left incomplete, which is nearly done now.

God be with you all!

— Patrick

Seventh Monthly Post – First Monthly Post of the New Year!

We started this last year by the grace of God, and here are some things that came about!

Though somewhat uncouth in name this has proved a very useful place for interactive art (or “games” if you wish). I have four there now, though the main ones are still in need of some play-testing and editing. I have four more (two new, two old) that are only in need of finishing, though only one of the old ones can really be worked on with our main computer currently broken.

Auldhame is of course the main adventure there:

Continue reading

Fifth Monthly Post – Beta at Last!

Monthly Post

The first of the twin memorization games is finally in beta! you can beta test it here by typing the password “beta”.

Out of the Forest

waterfall in forest


The memorization games have been delayed and so near being finished for so long that I have been tempted to delay them longer and work on other projects, and made an attempt at a very short project which I should have worked on later.

shield and axe, horned angelic being

Anyway that will have to be all for now! God be with you all till next week!

– Patrick

Fourth Monthly Post – Elijah, Cluedo, and I Spy Baby Dragons

Monthly Post!

First and happily the release of the final, complete, and hopefully bug free I Spy Baby Dragons! It is a mysterious and difficult point-and-click I Spy adventure. Bring your sword! I will be adding a trailer and walkthrough for it soon.

I Spy Baby Dragons

An Unexpected Party

The memorization games have been delayed in entering Beta stage, though they are very close, and two other seasonal projects have reached completion instead! The first is a Party Cluedo game that was made in celebration of my brother Josiah’s twentieth birthday.

Invitations are sent out, and all come as detectives or one of the eight Suspects.

In the shared DropBox folder are all the cards, instructions, backstories, and the pieces to put together the invitations you will need, in PDF and ODT file format which you can download.

The icons were drawn by my brother Nathaniel, and a lot of us worked on the backstories.

I hope this comes in handy some festively mysterious day!

Party Cluedo

Party Cluedo

Elijah and Elisha

Last and not the least, a three minute audio drama of the passing of the spirit of Elijah to Elisha, the fiery chariot, the whirlwind, and the parting of Jordan.

It was made by me and my brother Nathaniel, and he drew the Picture for it. We used sound effects from mainly, a very good resource. This was a shorter project, but turned out better than we expected!

Taking Up the Mantle

We will be going up to the Creation Conference in Athlone soon, and I am hoping to give a copy of my book Jorgan the Sphere to Ken Ham!

God be with you all!

– Patrick

Coming and Going in Beta – Monthly Post

Monthly Post!

I have been starting to try improvements on the site (which clearly needs them). Any advice or information from my kind friends would be greatly appreciated! I am also making progress on some Twine adventures that will be going out of and coming into the beta testing phase.

Going out of Beta

The current beta project, I Spy Baby Dragons, will hopefully very soon leave the beta stage. It is a point-and-click adventure in which you must find objects, culminating in the finding of the Baby Dragon. Clickable areas may be things to find, or may take you places, or may block a sword attack (or broom attack, as the case may be). You can look in your hat to see what you have so far.

If you would like to beta test the most recent version, the link is below. Let me know if something seems broken or incomplete, or if it is boringly easy or boringly difficult!

I Spy Baby Dragons

Wah! Where is my picture? It was a nice one...

Coming into Beta

There is also a twin pair of adventures, involving the memorization of bywords or “songlets” to fend off evil things on the way through a dark forest. If you get even a punctuation mark wrong and try to go past the monster, you will have only seconds to get back to where you learn your words.

One game is called Into the Forest, in which you must recover a stolen treasure from the depths of the forest. One of the enemies you face is shown below.

Into the Forest

The second one is called Out of the Forest, in which you have been rescued from an evil kidnapper by a frog, and must now make your way back home. One of the places you must get through is shown below.

Out of the Forest


That is all I can think of at the moment; have a good month! Till next time, God be with you all!

– Patrick