Fifth Monthly Post – Beta at Last!

Monthly Post

The first of the twin memorization games is finally in beta! you can beta test it here by typing the password “beta”.

Out of the Forest

waterfall in forest


The memorization games have been delayed and so near being finished for so long that I have been tempted to delay them longer and work on other projects, and made an attempt at a very short project which I should have worked on later.

shield and axe, horned angelic being

Anyway that will have to be all for now! God be with you all till next week!

– Patrick

HANGMEN – Watch Your Mouth!

HANGMENHANGMEN cartoon, hangman is very naughty

I have often wondered about people who have names (especially last names like Hitler) that have become synonymous with evil, or synonymous with good, like Teresa. Hitler was actually a last name of many Jews, and most had to change their name because of such things as I illustrate in this little strip.

Just think about where names come from. Generally all names have been possessed by thousands of innocents and saints before a Benedict or Jezebel comes along who is famously evil.

Happy thinking!

– Patrick

Next – A Noose
Previous – Such a Narrow Mind

Eleventh Collection of Seven Dailies

Another collection of seven dailies from the Facebook Page!

The Rod

Raise the Rod of the Ruler of wild things
Worthy of waking the waste to his will;
Even the ash will answer to aid the Otherworldly.

Where will the Cry in the way take the wakeful?
To hidden, hoary teachers of high tokens,
To loose their lines into the unlocked lands.

– Patrick Lauser

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Tenth Collection of Seven Dailies

Another collection of seven dailies from the Facebook Page!

A technique for using Gimp:

Instead of using a brush to apply something, duplicate the layer you are working on (right click the layer in the layer list and it has the option, or do Ctrl+Shift+D).

Change the filters and settings on the copy, then put the altered layer below the original, and use the eraser brush on the original.

I have found this makes a vastly smoother gradient for some reason, and because the eraser has the anti-erase option you more or less do not have to worry about running out of or confusing undo steps. This also allows a brush to be used to apply changes that would not otherwise have a brush option.

You can also try different effects while keeping the same brush pattern, by making multiple duplicate layers and altering them differently.

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HANGMEN – Enter a Hole with Spikes

HANGMENHANGMEN - this was a good one, but painful!

It is true there are things that are better not to know, and things that certain people should not know for certain reasons, but of course it is always nicer when you can and do know, no?

The next strip will introduce another character! A rather large one too (at least compared to a worm).

Take care (I hope you will)! God be with you!

– Patrick

Next – Enter a Pincushion
Previous – Enter a Cage

Eighth Collection of Seven Dailies

Another collection of seven dailies from the Facebook Page!

That would never happen to a real rhinoceros.

– Snoopy in Peanuts by Charles Schultz


To Any One

Go not forth to call Dame Sorrow
From the dim fields of Tomorrow;
Let her roam there all unheeded,
She will come when she is needed;
Then, when she draws near thy door,
She will find God there before.

– By George MacDonald


My Grief is hidden in the ground out of sight,
As the Thunderclap forms the crooked Fulgurite.

– Patrick Lauser, from a Twine adventure I am making


I believe Bopomofo should replace Pinyin. Who’s with me?


Lead on, O King Eternal, we follow, not with fears!
For gladness breaks like morning where’er thy face appears;

Thy Cross is lifted o’er us, we journey in its light:
The Crown awaits the conquest; lead on, O God of might.

– From Lead On O King Eternal by Ernest W. Shurtleff


Will ash
Be sifted through
To raise the shaking sparks
And burn the fields and forests all
To ash?

 – Patrick Lauser


When we tug on a single thing in nature we find it attached to everything else.

– John Muir

Till again! God be with you!

– Patrick Lauser

HANGMEN Cartoon Strip – Enter a Cage


You didn’t know that was a cage? Well, to be frank, neither did I. And yes, Dexter’s words are also written with the left hand.

I am glad I was able to get this up before we left for the Athlone Creation Conference. My brother also wants to give a copy of his coloring book for adults, Unexpected Interior, to Ken Ham. He finished the second edition and ordered it with fast delivery, and it was late. It was quite clearly only because of answered prayer that it got here in time at all!

See you all next week! God be with you!

– Patrick

Next – Enter a Hole with Spikes
Previous – Enter a Dexter