Fourteenth Collection of Seven Dailies

A collection of seven past dailies from the Facebook Page!

“There are bears in my brain… Have you seen the light between the stars? It is a net! We are in a cage! Everyone dances…”
Standing on the roof of the building he looked down: the lights of days waxed and waned in quick succession all around, and the lines of moving things merged into an elegant pattern, but it was tattered like an old quilt. With infinitely greater graduality he saw lines of movement forming in the heavens: the stars were not separate points at all, but merely where these lines crossed. It formed an obvious pattern, how clumsy of them to give their design away. But no, they taunted us with something so clear: only those as buried-headed as mankind would be unable to see it. Even now he heard the groaning wheels of time and vision, like the howling of huge forest beasts. But he had seen enough at least to understand his friend’s torments.

– An isolated scene from Patrick Lauser’s old notes

black marble, glistening, white cracks

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