Seventh Monthly Post – First Monthly Post of the New Year!

We started this last year by the grace of God, and here are some things that came about!

Though somewhat uncouth in name this has proved a very useful place for interactive art (or “games” if you wish). I have four there now, though the main ones are still in need of some play-testing and editing. I have four more (two new, two old) that are only in need of finishing, though only one of the old ones can really be worked on with our main computer currently broken.

Auldhame is of course the main adventure there:

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All My Posted Poetry From 2018

These are not in the order I wrote them in exactly, rather they are in the order I posted them in (the order they were posted on the site, since I cannot easily look through my old Facebook posts). I shall point out ones that I actually like particularly. Let me know which ones are your favorites!

Fall or Shine (I dislike this title, perhaps simply “Shining” would be better)

Midday sunlight falls
Sunset and sunrise sideways
Never falls, but shines

The Soldier and a Child

I am a weary soldier, cold and bent,
A dark and heavy cloud bends down my head.
A child I passed who called before I went:
I halted, breathless, held by what she said.
As light, unbreaking chains her words had shone;
As calling me from hard and blackened sleep,
It taught me that I should not walk alone;
I drew my heart from shadow dank and deep
And gave it in an answer to her there.

A moving mask my face with trouble lined
Spilled death stained breath that mingled with the air,
And gladness sprang of love and likeness kind.
Her glistening hair, my thornwood stick, we talked
A while in quiet thoughts of burning truth:
Our family fighting fear where slaves had walked,
Friends kept in shining eyes with humble ruth.
And long we stood and spoke of good that war
Cannot defeat while soldiers meet it more.

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A Heart and the Spirits

Amos was twelve when it happened, and it happened because he loved his mother. His father always said he was named after his mother Amy, and only his father could call him Amos. Everyone else called him by his last name, Hamilton; that is, they called him ‘Hammy’.

His hair and eyes were dark, his movements slow, and he liked things to be clean; he liked to clean things like his mother, and inside him he was hard and cool and hidden and strong and old as the inside of a young hill.

It was dark when it happened, because it was night when it happened, and it meant so many things.

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Auldhame Backstage – Hidden Things

Here are some things you possibly may not have found…

In the forest if you click on the left instead of clicking on the beginning of the path, you will come to a skeleton of some beast. It is also a handy shortcut to the signpost if you enter the forest on accident. You can also find this skeleton by going out of the mine at the forest end, and going back into the forest after you come out of it. Continue reading