All My Posted Poetry From 2018

These are not in the order I wrote them in exactly, rather they are in the order I posted them in (the order they were posted on the site, since I cannot easily look through my old Facebook posts). I shall point out ones that I actually like particularly. Let me know which ones are your favorites!

Fall or Shine (I dislike this title, perhaps simply “Shining” would be better)

Midday sunlight falls
Sunset and sunrise sideways
Never falls, but shines

The Soldier and a Child

I am a weary soldier, cold and bent,
A dark and heavy cloud bends down my head.
A child I passed who called before I went:
I halted, breathless, held by what she said.
As light, unbreaking chains her words had shone;
As calling me from hard and blackened sleep,
It taught me that I should not walk alone;
I drew my heart from shadow dank and deep
And gave it in an answer to her there.

A moving mask my face with trouble lined
Spilled death stained breath that mingled with the air,
And gladness sprang of love and likeness kind.
Her glistening hair, my thornwood stick, we talked
A while in quiet thoughts of burning truth:
Our family fighting fear where slaves had walked,
Friends kept in shining eyes with humble ruth.
And long we stood and spoke of good that war
Cannot defeat while soldiers meet it more.

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Seventh Collection of Seven Dailies

Another collection of seven dailies from the Facebook Page!

Hope and Patience

An unborn bird lies crumpled and curled,
A-dreaming of the world.

Round it, for castle-wall, a shell
Is guarding it well.

Hope is the bird with its dim sensations;
The shell that keeps it alive is Patience.

– George MacDonald


Welcome to our home,
Soft, passing sea foam.
Dust breathed in God’s Breath
Which leaves it in Death,
And rightly are we
Likened to the Sea.

– Patrick Lauser


Nightly cry the beasts
Close your doors before your eyes
Sleep through the huntings.

– Patrick Lauser


Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.

– Psalm 97:11


Leaves are coming down:
They come to meet the dark brown,
And show it colours.

– Patrick Lauser


If you dread the passing of time,
you will pass your time in dread.

– Patrick Lauser


We feel Thy calm at evening’s hour,
Thy grandeur in the march of night,
And when the morning breaks in power,
We hear Thy word, “Let there be light.”

– Samuel Longfellow

God be with you all!

– Patrick

A view of our morning.

A view of our morning

Second Seven Dailies Collection

The Second Collection of seven dailies from the Facebook page!

Keep the hand comely
In bloom as the flower, but
Hard in work as wood.

– Patrick Lauser



The “angel” in the word “evangelize”
(ev – angel – ize) is from the same root as the word “angel”.

The word “angel” is from the Greek word for “messenger”, the word “evangelize” comes from the Greek word for “good message”: the gospel.


I posted as a daily a gif from my now finished project, a 3D Twine Adventure called VValkabout.

You can try the adventure right away,

Or read a few words about how to do it, and also get a simple walkthrough if you want:



In Us

In the summer I am light,
In winter I am the snow.
In your heart I am your might,
In my soul are seeds to sow.
In my hand is living thought,
In the ways ill ways to bar.
In times now and past am sought
Where the wise and willing are.

– Patrick Lauser


God is Love, Love is not God.

– Patrick Lauser, after A. W. Tozer


The feet of the child
Or the childlike man, falter
But always are clean.

– Patrick Lauser


One Body

A will
To do the thing
That opens all the mind
Can only open all the heart
As well.

– Patrick Lauser

God be with you all!


Wah! My picture!