Tenth Collection of Seven Dailies

Another collection of seven dailies from the Facebook Page!

A technique for using Gimp:

Instead of using a brush to apply something, duplicate the layer you are working on (right click the layer in the layer list and it has the option, or do Ctrl+Shift+D).

Change the filters and settings on the copy, then put the altered layer below the original, and use the eraser brush on the original.

I have found this makes a vastly smoother gradient for some reason, and because the eraser has the anti-erase option you more or less do not have to worry about running out of or confusing undo steps. This also allows a brush to be used to apply changes that would not otherwise have a brush option.

You can also try different effects while keeping the same brush pattern, by making multiple duplicate layers and altering them differently.

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Eighth Collection of Seven Dailies

Another collection of seven dailies from the Facebook Page!

That would never happen to a real rhinoceros.

– Snoopy in Peanuts by Charles Schultz


To Any One

Go not forth to call Dame Sorrow
From the dim fields of Tomorrow;
Let her roam there all unheeded,
She will come when she is needed;
Then, when she draws near thy door,
She will find God there before.

– By George MacDonald


My Grief is hidden in the ground out of sight,
As the Thunderclap forms the crooked Fulgurite.

– Patrick Lauser, from a Twine adventure I am making


I believe Bopomofo should replace Pinyin. Who’s with me?


Lead on, O King Eternal, we follow, not with fears!
For gladness breaks like morning where’er thy face appears;

Thy Cross is lifted o’er us, we journey in its light:
The Crown awaits the conquest; lead on, O God of might.

– From Lead On O King Eternal by Ernest W. Shurtleff


Will ash
Be sifted through
To raise the shaking sparks
And burn the fields and forests all
To ash?

 – Patrick Lauser


When we tug on a single thing in nature we find it attached to everything else.

– John Muir

Till again! God be with you!

– Patrick Lauser

Sixth Collection of Seven Dailies

Another collection of seven dailies from the Facebook Page!

Rise with the rosy light, right your way,
Clothe yourself in craft and fiercely cry;
The world, the watching, the ways of them,
Nay, the never-ending sound of night;
They force offense on the friends of law:
The crooked colour of the high cloud
Shall judge their injustice with fell joy.

– Patrick Lauser


It should never be “Quantity versus Quality”: they must work together.

Quality can hardly exist without quantity, and quantity without quality is useless.

– Patrick Lauser


“You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve, and that is both honor enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth.
Be content.”

– Aslan in Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis


“Now are the clouds like fiery shrouds; the sun, superbly large,

Slow as an oak to a woodsman’s stroke, sinks flaming at their marge;”

– From The Ballad of the Boat by Richard Garnett


The Moment Thought

A hand
On the shoulder
Laid in purposeful rest
Says a word in silent fullness
And peace.

– Patrick Lauser


There are two things you will never get used to:

Heaven, and Hell.

– Patrick Lauser


A Wind in the Heart
Breathes a token of Fear,
Darkness builds his Art
And lays foundations here.
While hopeless in strife
He has wounded me sore,
In the Light of Life
There is opened a Door.

– Patrick Lauser

Till another week, God be with you all!

– Patrick

Third Seven Dailies Collection

Here is the third collection of seven past dailies from the Facebook Page! This includes a couple cinquains and a quote from my small book (which is really a long short story, but almost novella length).

November Night

With faint dry sound,
Like steps of passing ghosts,
The leaves, frost-crisp’d, break from the trees
And fall.

– Adelaide Crapsey


Lying Thankfulness

The doorless walls
Of false content and peace
A soul in truth is not a soul
But lies

– Patrick Lauser


Bless the LORD all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.

Psalm 103:22


“They were weeping for it everywhere, as they had been always. She who stood there screamed and stabbed for torment of hate and loss, and from marshes and cities all desire that had not learned its own futility rose and swelled in hers. The litany of anguish poured out as if it were the sound of the earth itself rushing through space, and comfortless forever the spinning globe swept on, turning upon itself, crying to itself; and space was the echo of its lament, and time was the measure of its sobs.”

– From “The Greater Trumps” by Charles Williams


Feelings are like conclusions: they can be correct or incorrect. Unlike conclusions, they do not always come from you, and so are not a part of you, unless you choose.

 – Patrick Lauser


“As they went further towards the sun the trees became larger, spreading and twisting, turning the sun’s light into a self-strangling mesh of ever sharper shadows and ever fiercer light.”

– Patrick Lauser, from my book, “A Foreshadowed Way

Wah! That was the nice cover of my little novella! Where did it go?


Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.

Psalm 143:10

Till next week, God be with you all!


Second Seven Dailies Collection

The Second Collection of seven dailies from the Facebook page!

Keep the hand comely
In bloom as the flower, but
Hard in work as wood.

– Patrick Lauser



The “angel” in the word “evangelize”
(ev – angel – ize) is from the same root as the word “angel”.

The word “angel” is from the Greek word for “messenger”, the word “evangelize” comes from the Greek word for “good message”: the gospel.


I posted as a daily a gif from my now finished project, a 3D Twine Adventure called VValkabout.

You can try the adventure right away,

Or read a few words about how to do it, and also get a simple walkthrough if you want:



In Us

In the summer I am light,
In winter I am the snow.
In your heart I am your might,
In my soul are seeds to sow.
In my hand is living thought,
In the ways ill ways to bar.
In times now and past am sought
Where the wise and willing are.

– Patrick Lauser


God is Love, Love is not God.

– Patrick Lauser, after A. W. Tozer


The feet of the child
Or the childlike man, falter
But always are clean.

– Patrick Lauser


One Body

A will
To do the thing
That opens all the mind
Can only open all the heart
As well.

– Patrick Lauser

God be with you all!


Wah! My picture!