HANGMEN – Enter the Sergeant-Guards!


Wah! The Picture is gone! That was irreplaceable...

A HANGMEN cartoon strip! In this one I add some scenery. And I introduce one of my favorite characters: the Sergeant-Guards! They are more recent, and I had much fun developing them.

I am experimenting with a new form of the Title, and I certainly like it more than the block letter one I began with. I did not like that one so much, but I find this one intriguing, though needing some refining.

Till our next meeting! God be with all!

– Patrick

Next – Enter a Worm
Previous – These are My Eyes

New HANGMEN Cartoon Strip

A new cartoon strip from HANGMEN! This is actually the first idea I thought of for the strip. Hangman, the titular character, is not even just a single character, but more like a symbol. Appropriate for a titular character, no?


This was a funny one... Oh well!

Aesthetically speaking, I want to draw my own boxes. But if that detracts from the appearance I can change how I draw them, or find another way.

I am looking for ways to optimize the image display of these strips: any suggestions would be helpful! The main trouble I am having is getting a clean white background without the lines either pixelating or blurring.

See you all next week! God be with you!

– Patrick

Next – Enter the Sergeant-Guards!
Previous – Name Reveal