DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/12/17

Sunbroken drainage took the lateral glaze. Next to the wall a powder oven oversaw den needle waying other than prier dogs.
Without… without mill…
Josephine stepped up the stool to the lintel, and tacked up the signs of says. Sayser was no sawser, later without liber. She skipped down, pinching and shaking her small hammer in pastorally unobtrusive victory. There they were: the line and cap, the drawn shot, the sable antimony.
Truck off the treasured deep ensued, while the topple gotten cop tilled an earth without lees.
Before she could narrow her view, a truck machine arm obtrusively clenched to half the sight. Dragging the design put an end to that reversal.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/12/17

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/12/14

The pin fell down from Glasborough Heights, and in the sand compassed a frame jagged with thorns.
Thin ripples knit outward, a magnifying glass close-up of a squarish vinyl. The brother passes vaguely, but on his line, and two sisters further out; in the distance, one who is of unknown connection, but the skid of their progress is clear to the hearing. Streams of measured movement unfulfilled complain in silted furrows, ready to contract again towards the centre – but so long as any go out, there is no closing.

The buzz of tangibility in the haze that receives the passers; lights rotate, airport of the streets, of the unseen under foot and shoe. A badge with a little glisten and much needle is given.
Following into the haze, wide in its obscurity, the lines are lost, or increase until all is laid and progresses on one line.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/12/14

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/12/12

The hand leaves the door before the echo of the knock returns. Barbed wire and holly leaf shapes, she runs her fingers down crackling through them at the doorpost, a sheaf of serpents filling up a glove.
An answer over the wall, dangles in the night, and follows the knock around the corner. The seeker spreads her wrist, leaves her unassuming gift at the threshold, and backs against a pillar. The faces above find a cross of paths in that depth of time, the step in the terraced tempo meeting out the finished woven strands of wind-washed sand.
Bent by invisible glass, the approach remains the same as they meet – sent by the answer, and the knock lands neatly between them.
The bounty unfolds beneath the towering faces of nighttime knowledge, receiving sweet forevers to vaults in unearthly charm.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/12/12

WrittenOOM #GarfieldWiles 2023/12/20

Garfield Wiles was thirteen, and taking his little sister Eunice into the city to help her buy a Christmas gift for their mother.
The lights of the city made the eyes, the windows of the soul, into train windows, and the soul found it difficult to read in the passing changes of illumination. The sky was dark above the lights, and a thin mist was just heavy enough to fall like minute snowflakes. The crowd also was thin but heavy.

There was a light clatter ahead of them. Something long had dropped from beneath the dark mantle of a man walking some yards further on, and no one else was noticing. Garfield ran to take up the thing, and called out to its owner:

“Hey! Sir, your stick fell down!”

The man continued walking, perhaps thinking the shout was meant for another. Garfield shouted again, and began to run after the man. His feet made a gritty sound on the wet pavement, and very soon he slipped. To keep from hurting the stranger’s rod, he took his fall on one hand, scratching his palm badly. Though only on the ground for a moment, when he looked around the man in the mantle was not to be seen. Eunice was by his side, staring at the thing he held.

“What is that?” she asked.

To be continued.

#WrittenOOM #GarfieldWiles 2023/12/20