DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphuSearchAndRescue 2023/11/28

(This story so far resides here: //ofourmaker.com/2023/10/17/adolphus-search-and-rescue )

A few days later there was a celebratory gathering at a restaurant: seven or so of Gareth’s closest friends from the station, and those to whom Enid had become quite dear in the past month.

They met at the restaurant Gellisa’s, whose entrance was the living jaws of a giant beast (whether of land or sea was not immediately apparent). The jaws could not close while the place was open, but had been trained to open wider when a guest entered. Gibbsen liked Gellisa’s – not because of the smells, or because of the rather sentimentally droning music, but because he liked to watch the articulated joints of the arthropods in the aquarium.

The gathering drank the health of the new family – some of them unfortunately with alcohol. Gareth drank water, and did not permit alcohol to Enid or Gibbsen – not that Gibbsen had any inclination to such an obvious toxin. It was yet another point in which the dullness of humans amazed him. Enid seemed curious, but to Gibbsen it appeared that she was curious mainly of why others took it, not because her senses failed to warn her against it.

Gareth spoke no more than usual, but fervently reciprocated many friendly embraces, and clasped friendly hands with his precise and expressive fingers. Enid primarily revelled in challenging any who would consent to a game of Nine Men’s Morris that was on the table: a little square of wood with holes for some light or dark pegs. She lost mostly, but was learning quite well.

When nearly everyone had gone, and Gibbsen was experimentally gnawing a few bones, Enid put the Nine Men’s Morris on the bench and went against Gibbsen until they were to leave. He had gotten someone to play with.

To be concluded.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphuSearchAndRescue 2023/11/28

SabbathPosts 2023/11/25

An appropriate subject entering this season. 🙂

Believers are sons of God by adoption, Adam and the angels are sons of God by direct creation, Christ is the only begotten Son of God: “his only begotten Son” (1J 4), the only Son that is begotten rather than created.

Rather than being created, Christ created all things that ever were created:
“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” Jn 1
Which also shows his oneness with the Father, for the Father created all things through Christ:
“his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds” Heb 1

So the Trinity is two physical bodies, the Father and the Son, and the one infinite Spirit of the Father through which the Son and the Father are the same person. This proves the infinity of the Father’s Spirit, in that he gave all his Spirit to the Son (“God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him” Jn 3, “in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” Col 2), and yet both Father and Son equally have the same Spirit (“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” Jn 14).

Did Christ not create his body in Mary’s womb? He did, as he created all things. At first the egg cell was not Christ, but part of Mary’s body, part of the creation Christ made in the beginning. In the moment of conception, when all the fullness of the godhead entered that cell, like when Christ gave life to his own dead body in the tomb, he gave life to the unfertilised cell in Mary’s womb. He, the Father, did not create a thing, a creation, something separate from himself. He, the Father, sent out himself, he himself took form: the Son. So, like the Father’s body, whose back Moses saw in the holy mount, the Son’s body is also God’s own form.

(I needed a quick post ’cause it was really late, so… thoughts on the Trinity. 🤷‍♂️)

#SabbathPosts 2023/11/25

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/22

(This story so far resides here: //ofourmaker.com/2023/10/17/adolphus-search-and-rescue )

Raleigh cleared his throat.

“Quite a sudden question, wouldn’t you say?”

Gibbsen was reminded again how dull were some humans’ senses – it was clear to him that the question was in no way sudden. Raleigh went on,

“After all she’s only just begun a new life; hasn’t gone far from the station.” He then addressed Number One directly: “Would you not like to think the question over, and maybe have a chance for a wider experience, meet more people, perhaps – no offence to anyone present – perhaps a few folks less withered and colourless?”

Number One laughed merrily at this.

“What you say is funny, Raleigh!” Then her face abruptly became somber. “I saw many humans.”

She looked across to where Gareth stood, quiet and still as a haunting, antique painting of some allegorical scene. There was fear in her eyes, quickly being swallowed up by longing, and doubly drowned in a hopeful assurance.

“He saved me,” she said, and stood up.

“He gave me learning.” She took a step.

“He gave me clothes.” Another step. She always wore the dark print dress he had bought her, though faintly darker patches remained of her brother’s blood.

“He gave me comfort.” In time with each phrase, she took an intent, solemn step in her bare feet.

“I saw many humans, I saw them the times they died, the times they had braveness, and the times they were weak; I saw what they love, and they did not love, what they love more, and they love most, and what they hate. These times I saw humans. The humans who others thought, thought they were good, and they were not good; thought they were not good, and they were good. The time I was weak, he came into the dark, he dug me out. He got free, the time my father had him: cut the claw of death. He is ugly, but he is strong, and he is clean. He is terrifying: that is what are angels.”

After twenty-nine steps, she stood close enough to look up into his hood. She put her hand – still with her spit on it – in his.

“Make me your own, sir!”

He clasped her hand gently, and drew her the last step, quite close to him.

“Your name, is ‘Enid’.”

There was a quiver in her, which had nothing to do with trying to stand straight.

“I am named, this time… I am Enid.”

She closed her eyes, pressed her tumbled, touselled head to the folds of his bosom, and sobbed vigorously. Her hand that he held he raised to his shoulder, and his other arm he put tenderly around her back.

To be continued.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/22

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/20

(This story so far resides here: //ofourmaker.com/2023/10/17/adolphus-search-and-rescue )

The cage took the catch from the hovering chopper and rolled back to allow it to land. Dr. Kilver arrived to administer his injection to the raving beast. Number One spit in her hand and playfully held it out; Dr. Kilver smiled.

As the cage rolled away, Elroy disembarked and came carrying a small boy in his arms, whom he set on his feet before Nurse April, a tall lady with her black hair in a braid. She bent to wipe a splash of mud from the boy’s ear. The boy said he hurt his arm, and showed her a rather bad scratch. It had no doubt been a simple accident, but the blood may have been what had attracted hunting gluckasts. Nurse April took his hand and brought him away to be mended.

Number One had watched the small boy through all this with a strained and intent look, as if she was a little girl pinned in depths of shy, motherly emotion.

After this, for all her hurry and waiting, she was apparently too bemused and nervous to get up or otherwise to greet Gareth, who now came with his sable robe and silent spurs. Though, as before, the cries of the gluckast could distantly be heard, after the chopper’s noise had subsided there was comparative quiet. This was broken by Raleigh.

“Not to doubt your medical verdict in any way, Kilver, but the thought still troubles me that these gluckasts which we treat as animals could after all be severely deformed humans.”

“The proof I have,” the doctor replied, “does rest on a certain amount of knowledge and experience. For the layman,” in his eye there was a glint of humour towards Raleigh, “there is a simple and sure proof, which is the impossibility of a human and gluckast interbreeding.”

“I pray to God that’s never been tried!” Raleigh said. After this, Gibbsen could tell that in the minds of each person present the question naturally followed of such a proof for the humanity of those who ceased to be gluckasts. No one spoke it, no one needed to, yet Raleigh displayed some of the same awkwardness as if it had been spoken, and specifically in connection to Number One.

Gareth moved to stand before Number One, and looked steadily into her eyes from within his hood. She returned his gaze, only blinking a little. After what seemed a long time, he looked up at the wall, and spoke to all there:

“I have thorough proof by my own means of this woman’s humanity. For the sake of those who do not have Dr. Kilver’s skill, or mine, I would prove the humanity of her womb.”

He turned, strode several yards, and faced her again. From across the receiving bay, he held out to her his thin, grey, firm, unwavering right hand.

“Will you be my own?”

To be continued.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/20

SabbathPosts 2023/11/18

“The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God” 2Thes 1

When people ask, “What about those who haven’t heard the Gospel?” they are misunderstanding the Gospel.

“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” Ro 1

Everyone knows the God and his law, and to keep his law is the whole duty of man (atoning for our sins is not our duty but God’s, our duty is obedience).

“Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecc 12

No one has any excuse; the only sense in which anyone does not know God is in being willingly ignorant:

“Whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.” 1J 3

Those who know not God, which is only through their willing ignorance, it is on them that shall come the vengeance of God in flaming fire. It is in the same sense that Christ, who knows all things, knows them not.

“I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Mt 7

#SabbathPosts 2023/11/18

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/17

(This story so far resides here: //ofourmaker.com/2023/10/17/adolphus-search-and-rescue )

Number One was leaving Raleigh behind on his crutches, as they made their way to the receiving bay where Gareth would be returning. Gibbsen came at a more reasonable pace – he missed his master, but would not see him sooner by hurrying. The banshee scream had come while Gibbsen was helping Ansel, one of the mechanics, so Gareth had gone with Elroy.

Nurse April was waiting in the bay, as was the rolling cage with the restraining arms – from this Gibbsen surmised that a child had been rescued, and also a gluckast taken. He wondered how that had gone.

Number One sat down by the wall. Though she could now stand quite straight, it still tired her after some time, especially when walking. Though her feet could fit in shoes now, she yet went barefoot. Raleigh came, as out of breath as she had been, and leaned against the wall beside her. He eyed the cage.

“You know, Number One, we could try and find a quieter place for you to live…”

“No, I will not leave. Unless,” she added in a softer tone, “you need my room for somebody you rescue?”

“Not at all, I only thought… but there’s the chopper, I think.”

Gibbsen had noticed that Number One had noticed the chopper’s sound much sooner than Raleigh – only a little after Gibbsen had himself. She had good ears for a human.

As the shape of the chopper could be made out, something twisted and curious seemed to be happening towards its front. Then they saw that a struggling and raving gluckast was clutched by the gargantuan foreclaws of the chopper. Raleigh shook his head.

“That man can make his chopper do anything. Doing it that way would have saved me my leg.”

To be continued.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/17

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/15

(This story so far resides here: //ofourmaker.com/2023/10/17/adolphus-search-and-rescue )

Adolphus Search and Rescue had dealt with many serious injuries, and could have saved Moses if the murderess had only assaulted his throat. However, the angle and violence of the final blow had broken both his skull and his neck. He was dead before his murderer was killed.

“It doesn’t seem right,” Raleigh said, “to go and bring in another gluckast so soon after this happened.”

Dr. Kilver’s humorous gleam had been replaced with a downcast but stubborn front.

“We do not know,” he said, “how long Number One will be contagious – it is most crucial that we continue, now that she is all we have left. She is square one.”

“This is not a search and rescue,” Mundbern said then, “no human dies if a gluckast remains a gluckast. Are we to abandon the purpose of Adolphus Search and Rescue, and let human beings go unhelped because we are spent on this endeavor?”

“Gluckasts are one of the chief threats we face – eradicating them is a cause even without their humanisation.”

“So far it has proven more dangerous than killing them outright. And how quickly do the gluckasts breed? Eradication may never happen.”

Elroy put in a word: “This could change very rapidly: it is a unique case where in less than a month we have a fully grown person, ready to help so long as they are willing. This is faster than even insects breed, and with their help we could build an entire compound: soon we would even be capable of infecting the gluckasts and tending for the infected en masse.”

“And,” said Dr. Kilver, “this all rests on our success at this present stage.”

Raleigh sighed.

“It appears that you ask us to declare a war.”

“I do. Only I would say that war is already declared.”

“Remember,” said Mundbern, “that it was not a gluckast who killed Moses. It was a human.”

“I mean that the very nature of the gluckast is a declaration of war. We simply see now a path to victory. We must take it, or we have surrendered to the Devil.”

“I wonder,” said Raleigh, “how the gluckast originated, having such a nature.”

“Some diabolical foul play – perhaps better not to know. I have no doubt that this mysterious contagion of humanity is the riposte of heaven.”

Gareth said, “It will succeed.”

To be continued.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/15

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/11/13

Pinstripes hover about the seven burning wicks of the one long candle. Mathisen dipped his finger in ink and drew a crozier with six minimalistic membranous wings. Elginbrod cut the table with his razor, and hair-thin worms bled from the cut.

“What do you desire?”

Their many minute voices threaded, pressed between every particle of air, to the gentleman ears.

“The one hundred forty-fifth sign,” the gentleman voices replied, and then they sketched the answer to the reply.

Hovering about the burning wicks, Elginbrod dipped his finger in ink and drew the fire bolt with four petals piercing a minimalistic cloud. Caithness cut the table with his razor, and slippery black lips simmered from the cut.

“What do you desire?”

Their many minute voices percolated, buoyed by every particle of air, to the gentleman ears.

“The one hundred forty-sixth sign.”

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM 2023/11/13

(Gibbsen’s story will continue on week-fourth. 👍)

DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/12

This story so far resides here: //ofourmaker.com/2023/10/17/adolphus-search-and-rescue

(A very disturbing point – reader discretion is strongly advised.)

Moses stood above his mate, like an angel in a dark suit. She crawled nearer to him slowly, no longer weeping, but neither did she wipe her tear-stained face. He smiled, though he shook with the exertion of straightening his still crooked back.

“My mate, I give you your name: it is ‘Beauty’.”

Her face showed no sign.

“I want no name,” she said.

She stretched out her arms to him. Gibbsen gave another warning cry: he saw the cold, deliberate look in her very human eyes. Moses willingly bent to embrace her – until she sank her teeth into his neck.

His grief-stricken wail was horrible to hear, though quickly broken. The woman twisted her head like a tearing fish, bit again, attacked the wound with her fingers. She moaned in despair at the lack of her claws, and whipped her mate’s head against one of the bars as if he was no more than a rag doll.

The report of a gun stunned Gibbsen’s brain and set his ears ringing. Gareth was there, and at a look from his shaded eyes both locks unfastened. He strode through the doors, his dark robe billowing. With a kick he flung the woman aside onto the floor, where she twitched, and blinked in the blood that gushed from the bullet hole between her eyes.

Gareth holstered his smoking revolver and crouched low, staring into Moses’ eye, less than an inch from his face.

Then he stood slowly, and called to Number One. After she crept timidly in from somewhere near, he beckoned to her.

“You must say goodbye to your brother now.”


The only sound then was of her bare feet on the concrete, and her breathing; both quickened at the first glimpse, and became constricted with tears. Before she reached her brother she had to cling to the bars as she went. Beside his body she sank to the polluted ground, gathered his bloodied and broken head into her lap, tried to meet his blank eyes, and tried over and over to call his name through the shaken weight of her weeping. He was dead. Her brother was dead.

Dr. Kilver came in, and leaned on the cage. He spoke in a low, drawn voice,

“Gareth, why did you let her see this?”

“Because, Doctor, she will learn the hard way what her brother has learned the hardest way: not all humans are good.”

To be continued.

#DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #AdolphusSearchAndRescue 2023/11/12

SabbathPosts 2023/11/11

“He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, his prayer also shall be abomination.” Pr 28

It is interesting that this comes so near before a giving of the Gospel:

“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Pr 28

The prayer which is an abomination could be a praying of the sinner’s prayer; it could also be any psalm of praise.

Before you dare open your mouth to praise, open your ear to the Law.

The devils tremble at God’s glory – God cares nothing for it. When they threw themselves down before Christ, proclaiming him to be the Holy One, did he have any need of that? He silenced them and cast them out of his presence.

Is this you? Is this you, falling down on your knees, lifting your hands on high, trembling in every joint, in deep sincerity proclaiming the holiness and godhead of Christ – silenced and cast out of Christ’s presence because you weren’t even curious at the very least to listen to his commandments?

It is said that we should be in church to worship.

“…when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.”

Even if your hands are not full of blood, Christ says that if thy brother has anything against you,

“leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” Mt 5

Anything amiss, and God says to forget about worship. To obey is better than sacrifice.

“herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.” Acts 24

This is the prerequisite. Only saints can offer worship.

“golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints” Rev 5

If you do not have the desire even to know what God has commanded much less to keep it, songs of praise are not for you to sing.

“Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.” Isa 1

Be in church to search your soul, to repent of anything contrary to God’s Law, to take responsibility for obedience as God truly desires – then, and only then, to worship.

#SabbathPosts 2023/11/11