2023/02/08 #DailyWrittenOOM

While cost rampant overtook the verge, having manifold prize folded down the cone to an embrasure. The weathercock was on the roof, knowing what prize. Waters and wiles running by the walls the metal knew, and the cripple who sat on the gate in the embrasure. Quieting forces surrounded the head, the crown of the cone, but were strangled out of countenance by the focussed grip of the cripple.

Within the grasp, field upon field of rubber knobs and protuberances, vines and orchards of fungus and sand, the hour-glasses pouring down. Knife-edge gratings sort the downpour into coffers with abandon. Traduced tree fears uproared swinewise, not noting a nail in the lintels, all the tags swinging together on a single thick wire. The wire trembled, the tag doors danced, when the grip of the cripple loosened, and all shot down the opening skylight.

2023/02/08 #DailyWrittenOOM

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