2023/01/30 #DailyWrittenOOM

Colourful hatter, jiving with the knifing, bending telephone poles brought the platter, the wide platter before him, empty but for reflections of the hats and the faces and the colours in the sky. Raging hair spread throughout the borders of the military land, drums cracked and the whistles ached with the cry, rumours of smells that told like birds. Few rained in the back pantry, little came down in the tiled nook between three and three quarters of walls, where the air is clear and you can’t see further than you can reach.

Tongue twisters for the little ones in frills, and they said it again sitting in the upstairs windows and bowing poles, they came down like useless combs with so few teeth, fewer tines than a gapped fork. The way their eyes wandered, and their walls followed after, mingling and complexifying like the nets of interweaving ripples on the ponds between rushes, mingling like the fingers of lovers and the gnats in their stormy dance. There was room enough for swords and more.

Tricked out, frills and wit, stepping along the colours into the clear white sky.

2023/01/30 #DailyWrittenOOM

2023/01/27 (Catching up) #DailyWrittenOOM

The baleful damsel, child of the midnight road, ground the the gravel under small feet; coils of steam charged from her gaping nostrils as from the funnel of a freight train engine; dew of exertion dripped like melting snow from the ends of her hair as it heaved like a fish on dry land. She came on, rigid and destructive, a pale boulder pinned under a moving glacier, an inexorable stylus marking a grooved line on the bones of the countryside. I let the child pass, the baleful thing passed me by then on that midnight road.

2023/01/27 (Catching up) #DailyWrittenOOM

2023/01/29 #DailyWrittenOOM

Trevor the toad slipped along the knobbled byway in the dark and wet of the hunting night. Clock towers bristled up from the country villages like frost columns that suspend the tops of mole hills. Lightning swam in the briny atmosphere, and torrents whispered through culvert, dam, and drain.

A pale hand reaching out from the bars clasped the toad, and dragged it into the whirl of darkness and cold where drops sat and draughts conspired like kings; it was the pale hand of Trevor’s young master, who was very much relieved to find him.

2023/01/29 #DailyWrittenOOM

2023/01/26 (Catching up) #DailyWrittenOOM

In 1937 the town corgi was crunching the feathers, while tight balls of knuckle rolled in the laned tables of the Packard house, and on the overlooked floors. A flip-flip fiery phone ad sang through the radios, inciting to strenuous contingency the woodlice, Dysdera crocata, sowbugs, gnats, sidereals, and other composite aerials. When the corgi swallowed and looked round, moons had triangulated the crest of the house, cusp and broom and rack.

Stones lay along the three and a half miles the lane parted through the scrub-land, where dwelt the experienced Rhiners, and in-hat wrights who issued the discourses in ferule. The square cross-section of every hair on the corgi’s back was felt by the rough, dimpled underside, the palate of the morning in 1937.

2023/01/26 (Catching up) #DailyWrittenOOM

2023/01/28 #SabbathPosts

(From a conversation.)

It is a favourite trick of the Devil to have people pit one fourth of God’s Word against the rest as if it is an enemy to itself. He especially likes to set people trying to find historical examples of things in the Greek Scriptures, which cover around one fortieth the amount of history as the Hebrew Scriptures. Then the Devil only has to face a mere fraction of “it is written”, and that fraction wrested and abused.

2023/01/28 #SabbathPosts

2023/01/25 #DailyWrittenOOM

I look up, to the left, and there is the crescent moon, a lidded amber eye, and a star, a symbol alone in power. The porch light, the twisting string lights, and the blue icicle lights shine on the battered snow, darkening to the pit that holds the moon and its star in its compass of black. Just out of distinct reach of the light, between it and the gulf of night space, is the hint of the form and ears of the nine foot snow totoro.

2023/01/25 #DailyWrittenOOM

(Delayed by internet outage.)

2023/01/24 #DailyWrittenOOM

A cruse of shadowed oil fell from the far shelf. A closed chrysanthemum of grey stone on a pinwheel of string lights in green and white, the fifty foot pattern on the circular terrace, with the thousands gathered round. Many were the bald heads and the spectacles, the cats in laps, and the canes leaned against desks and armrests.

Wild hair took the part, and the quarter vinyl that got the racer’s cue. Without any slight of hand the crates of bottles of varying fullnesses went under the arched root in the factory, rattling like snakes and ladders. The smell that marked them all was no bitter label, but something the feet of the chute would not forget.

Wild hair burnt to the ground – another bald head filtering into the collection round the stone.

2023/01/24 #DailyWrittenOOM

2023/01/23 #DailyWrittenOOM

A sprinkle pattered on the shallow footsteps, left by the broad feet. The light fell from a small window on the side, old, and making the light that passed through it look old, though it came from a very new light bulb.

They would have to do something about the crack in the night, letting the endless day through from the hidden world; secrets were turning people’s heads.

Crumbs under the pan would not burn; salt in the inlet kept the seabirds away; an empty spice-grinder left alone, far into the heart of the wilderness, the treasure of no wild creatures. A shooting star out of the heavens, a battered teapot which landed with a scorch, alighting and lying close by to keep the spice-grinder company.

2023/01/23 #DailyWrittenOOM

2023/01/22 #DailyWrittenOOM

With its hand outstretched, the transverse Gregorian rhapsody took hold on the cornice of Hope Stadium. With the infernal fields as stretched blankets below, the crowing frown came upon the waiting, with long-nailed fingers, and a scratching among the thin metal. Shears and leverage took their toll on these draconian peoples, which the rhapsody hastened into the frames to the great Outside.

There is left a mark of the ruined stave in the bars of Eaton, now that the might of this entity has made address of the encounter. While the deescalated parties driven over the falls make their way down, the tendrils of order and understanding will reach out to hang from the class-natured lintels.

2023/01/22 #DailyWrittenOOM

2023/01/21 #SabbathPosts

(From a conversation.)

The main reason there is so much variation on such basic things as morality is because it rarely takes much intelligence at all to accept the truth – what it takes is the integrity to acknowledge what one knows is true, and that integrity is not common.

Most often people take the easy way, and simply believe whatever they hear first, or whatever they hear most often, or whatever they hear from people who make them feel good.

This makes it hard when someone actually wants to find out the one thing that is true (by definition there can only be one truth, while there can be an infinite amount of false ideas). Often they get so bogged down with false ideas that many who set out to find what is true end up falling back on the easy way, and in their frustration they accept this or that idea not because it is reasonable but for some arbitrary excuse.

When I was younger I held on to certain ideas which I knew in my heart were wrong; I focussed instead on the false and absurd arguments that were brought against the ideas I held. But, obviously, a false idea is not made true simply because a false argument is made against it.

Finally someone simply asked me if I really believed those things. I prayed and sweated for hours, and returned to the thought throughout the day, and finally saw through the excuses I had made to myself for believing the false ideas. There were a lot of people I had to ask forgiveness of, and sadly by my example of foolishness I realised that I had strengthened people in false ideas which were set in contrast to the foolishness I had believed (again, a false idea is not made true simply because it is opposed to another false idea).

God has given to everyone the ability to know and to do what is right, and this is why he justly commands us to acknowledge and do what we know is right.

Some claim of the Bible that we cannot know right from wrong without it, thinking they do honour to the Bible by saying so – but by saying so they blatantly contradict the Bible, and so do it much deeper and greater dishonour.

The Bible explicitly states (in Romans) that those who have not heard the law of God are a law unto themselves, showing the law of God written on their hearts in excusing or accusing one another, and that the hidden things of God are not only seen but plainly seen by all, so that all are without excuse who do not acknowledge the things that are true.

This is how we know the Bible is true: because God has given us the ability, and thus the responsibility, to recognise truth and to understand that it is true.

This principle which is explicitly stated in Romans is clear throughout the Bible, such as in the way the law of God is written, for example:

“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto Yahweh thy God.” (De 22)

See that it does not say: “If someone reads this command, and understands it, and agrees that it applies to him and should be obeyed by him, but does it anyways, he has sinned, but is still a good person at heart.” No, it says “all that do so are abomination”.

All people on earth know in their hearts that it is a vile act for a person take the clothes of someone of the other gender and wear them, and they know that all the excuses made for it, that “it’s just strange”, “it’s just a joke”, “it’s just untraditional” and the rest, are all mere excuses. All people on earth who do this act do it out of the wickedness of their hearts:

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.” (Lk 6)

This is why “all that do so are abomination unto Yahweh”. The command was not given to “inform” us, to “impart facts”; the command was given to pronounce judgement on wickedness knowingly and willingly committed, and the command was given to justify the righteous, who already condemned such acts by their God-given conscience.

Every person on earth, whether they have seen a page of the Bible, know the Creator by his creation, and have no excuse. All can, and must, cry out: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” and all who so cry out “go down to their house justified” (Lk 18).

“And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.” (Lk 10)

This is true of any who turn to the Creator anywhere.

“Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (Ac 10)

Atheists do not speak of it, or they try to explain it away, but there is evidence everywhere of people worshipping a single Creator and keeping biblical law in the midst of pagan societies without any contact with the Scripture or the people to whom Scripture was given. People know, and have turned to him out of every nation throughout all of time.

Also God testified that his law would be recognised in the eyes of every nation as wise and just, for he gave to all mankind the recognition of the truth; they only need to choose the integrity of admitting it.

“This is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as Yahweh our God is in all things that we call upon him for? And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” (De 4)

2023/01/21 #SabbathPosts