Twelfth Monthly Post – The Longest Two Days


My seven year old brother gave me a challenge to make a game in two days. I said it had to be simple, so I let him choose only five things that could be in it. He decided on: a battered old book, a pocket-watch (a specific pocket-watch my brother had found in a robber’s den), a field of roses, and two robots (I must say, a quite artistic and imaginative combination). And technically the game only contains these things.


I guess I wasn’t in the right mood for simplicity to come out on top in the heat of the moment. Each robot has four weapons and an upgraded version, and each weapon has an attack and defense mode, all which must be separately drawn and animated (an amount of animation unprecedented in previous games, though mostly very simple). Then, of course, what happens when you fail a level? When you level up? When you win?

Needless to say it has been longer than two days, but I am really loving the game, and I am learning a lot of things. Here is a peek at the battered book on a backdrop of roses (or some such red flower):

A battered book on a backdrop of a field and daytime stars

Like pretty much all my games it will be unique from all the ones I have already made.

I have also been doing

some other things, such as working on the second edition of Jorgan the Sphere: A Foreshadowed Way. Here is a comparison of the first cover with a draft for a new one:

A comparison of a first edition cover and a draft for an improved cover.

I’ll be repainting the series title since it still looks like “The Toryan Sphere” to most people, and I’ll be changing the book title to be more in keeping with the rest.

I have also done yet more touch up work on : added some fade transitions, modified the default Twine loading screen, and a few other things. I quite like that game.

I updated the banner for the Facebook Page too, but it’s basically a touch up or redo of my Patreon / banner. I might try to get the touched up version onto those spots as well.

A banner with the serpent on a pole as the logo of A Servant of The Author.

So until next month, may God bless and keep you all!

— Your servant, Patrick. צ