2023/05/05 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM

Cairo sought the bright bargain hill; my sere foundling shore the merry make-bate.

While we wait in peril under this wall, my tower sees us from the vale of woven webs; night clothes us in our minds, and sheds the wall from us behind.

Make a grain of pencilled fame, and pour the drink in martial gravity, the webbings close the times for all. Dressed in jeans and loose white shirt, he crouches in the hollow place of clay who has the face; and the grain of thousands found him there, and now we find him everywhere.

Never useless matters rain on unbared heads; with horn and trumpet blasts the storm to strip us from our beds: a harsher master born on bargain hill.

2023/05/05 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM

2023/05/04 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM

CLICK CLICK There’s an angle I had not thought of.

Chairs under a blinking night of sky, trills of the evening shadow under combs of twigs. Spacial trials seeded in numberless wind take the stairs unbeginning.

Might artisanal is in the circuit of the spaceman helmet where it seals to the suit; on it depends the swinging branch of the old clock.

The carpet under our sandals, and under our legs as we sit, is rough. The thick paper stretched on the nearby walls is storied with scars, ladders of stitches, banks of blots. The hot electric bulb swings patiently, warping our shadows like the little waves of the large tide. The window is painted over, but the paint is peeling in one corner: showing nothing.

Marriage of the beam with the corner, folded legs in kerchiefs and fringes, baskets of woven nettle.

Free steam gunning over the ramp, the tripod of three temples hears the

CLICK CLICK And there it is again.

2023/05/04 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM

2023/04/30 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM

Here’s an excerpt from a project:

For the Turnable’s High Academy, the word “High” was no doubt in jest, referencing its ability to hover hundreds of feet above the ground, and move from place to place like an airship. In every other sense (except perhaps raw power), it was universally considered the lowest academy.

In shape it was a step-pyramid of many levels, and some said it was originally a vimana stolen from eastern sorcerers. It circled cities like a shark, brooding over slums like a smog of stone and brass, vanishing whatever low-lifes that might not be greatly missed, to fuel its gladiatorial methods of instruction. Horrible things had been committed by its teachers. It would truly be a tremendous task to penetrate its secretive walls.

Every working day I create an OOM, to show some of my unapologetic fascination for the OOMlich. ofourmaker.com

2023/04/30 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM

2023/04/25 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #OwlOfTheMaze

Owl threw malleus spells repeatedly against the exoskeleton wall: a Standerbuild was filling the round tunnel like the backside of an hourglass spider. This tunnel branched from the regular squared stonework passages like the den of a wagon-sized stone-eating rat; and by now it was the most likely option of their scanty and unlikely choice of ways.

Peri held his book behind him, and tried to find things she could do or help him with among the unfamiliar sections and markings. He had never expected to have someone else shuffling through those pages, trying to decipher his scrawled and jarred notes, his more precise mystic text, and his heiroglyphic or childish drawings. Some of the pages were spotted with blood, some with sweat, some with… tears. No doubt her own book had been the same before it had been stolen. With one book between them they had tried various arrangements, none of which seemed to work.

It was difficult to repeat the malleus spells over and over: as it became more like meaningless sound to one’s mind, it became less of a spell. And he had to cast it at two parts of the creature in as quick succession as he could, or else it would simply turn, absorbing the pounding blow, and advance on them. The barricading hulk’s thin jaws were manifold as the arms of a typewriter, and twitched angrily. Peri’s page flipping was becoming frantic, and Owl winced when he heard one tear. She timidly said sorry, and he couldn’t answer as he continued his barrage.

Peri began a spell she had found, but faltered at an awkward part. He glanced into the book, and, as he recognised the spell (also as it required a pinch of self-heal he had in his belt), he was able to cast it successfully. A bitter and numbing odor came to him as under this enchantment the Standerbuild shuddered to stillness.

He turned to help Peri find something to clear it from their path, only to find that she was being hastened back and around a corner by a creature with a black insectile leg belted around her waist. As she stumbled backwards in the enemy’s grasp she was again searching Owl’s book, desperate to find some way to free herself. If she threw the book to him, he could save her by several means – yet he hesitated to speak, for the pained thought that it would seem he only wanted to save his book and not her.

Darting around the corner, he was in time to see her drop his book and wrestle with another thin leg which was… not a leg, but a jointed jaw and curving sting, which it ran through her.

Owl’s throat seized and his eyes went slack at the sight. He felt heavy rolling coils inside, as if of a snake that struck upward and stung him between the lungs.

Peri, still clutching the black limb, five inches of whose point was buried in her body, spoke in a horribly sinking voice:

“Matha, ktanai, silthei Peri anadan, saterei…”

Forked violet sparks stitched both her and the black-limbed shape that held her, lighting up the horrible tableau of predator and prey – these flares bled a dull orange, and flew apart into honeycombs of fumy lace. The murdering fiend shook on its stinger like a dry weightless leaf on its autumn stem, then it skidded away and rolled over, a stiff and destroyed carcass.

Peri crumpled to the stone floor, pierced, poisoned, and burnt, still clutching the sting that was left in her. Owl snatched his book and knelt beside her. He hoped he had strayed near the veil often enough to lead another poor soul away from it; yet he was no well-master, and here there was no well.

But while there’s life there’s running till your feet leave a trail of blood.

2023/04/25 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM #OwlOfTheMaze

2023/04/20 #DailyCreatedOOM #WrittenOOM

Change is drifting past; we’re staring into our exhaust; the corrugated aerial cylinder that surrounds the hall tintinnates with the drone of voices.

Drop your hand to your side. We’re standing on rough, damp gravel, made of shattered foam concretions, which is sharp under our wooden shoes. The rain is pattering on the faraway roof, but the thunder is coming along inside the hall, from the contracted end. There is a window far, but nearer than the roof, and we cannot see it. Tall arching lines of fine chain, sprinkled in patina and grey, rustle in the thunder wind. A tuft of maroon winds into the lee through a crack in the slide.

As the multiple thousands of spicy conical lights orchard the space from above, and reflect in the dull broken gravel, there flit from end to end boat-shaped ephemera, propelled by hairy bladders like microbiotic squids.

A smell of powdered earth and time seeping out of the skin of the dimension feathers over our faces, and runs at last along the winding corrugations of our brains.

Every working day I create an OOM, to show some of my unapologetic fascination for the OOMlich. ofourmaker.com

2023/04/20 #DailyCreatedOOM

2023/04/17 #DailyCreatedOOM

Paschendale slippers dank and hide frocks – trembled while the pillions slipped away and shook the foreright. Never the manacled shapes dressed over hand and arm, crushing yet sallow beneath the umber moon cheek. We pried the dart from the cinder teeth, a waking crow for yesterday in clock or collared fames.

Striped on tenterhooks, baled on spiral ridgeways, the head of locks and pools in judgement bright; clear and sharp the fastened door breaks through the morning layers to bury the heap before the bed can move.

Every working day I create an OOM, to show some of my unapologetic fascination for the OOMlich. ofourmaker.com

2023/04/17 #DailyCreatedOOM

2023/04/11 #DailyCreatedOOM

Clandestine future slinking through the pipe; blamed it for the blemish that fell from six and more stairheads. Broken was he on the pinnacle rocks, bars of the ephemeral gate. Whether the masters gather in restorative clusters, whether the master gather the seeming or leave them, dwindling materials in nightshade close the ferrous passage temporally lightened.

Time skip: where is the herald? Did he not appear?

Twining ribbands of leather fumes weave them up, dwindling into the lowered sky. On below it goes, never grows, small steps and subtle undercuts; we think of it with bending eyes.

2023/04/11 #DailyCreatedOOM

2023/04/03 #DailyCreatedOOM

Goshawk levelled on the graded run, feeling grim in the laced withunder-withover, traditional in very crooked cranes aloft the broken neck.

Cheaper than a soap rod, vaguer than a chilling stride, and bought across the haft of six and two thirds seas. Preying fresh, inside dimpled cages motherwort grows the nicest wirebenders. Make off the trialed stammer first of all, for vaguer never was the growing feather from the avian skin. Straps to pelt them, mitres to measure the block.

2023/04/03 #DailyCreatedOOM