A Sapling

A Sapling

A rod of fineness and fertile worth
Pointing by feet the center of earth,
Questing downward and into the light
A rising spear for darkening fight.
A wrist’s girth, fitting grip for the hand,
Prepares to glory over the land.
Yet now between two stakes bending hard
Beneath a rough sky blank and unstarred,
Smooth as the sprig a straight standing staff
Threaded by a high, strengthening laugh;
Its sap rises from the horizon,
Star like, in the face of Time’s poison,
Yet now weary for but the grace to live.
God’s blessing then for any that give
Guiding skill to bend this thrashing rod
Along the upward path to our God.

 – Patrick Lauser

Intra Muros


At last ’tis gone, the fever of the day —
Thank God, there comes an end to everything;
Under the night cloud’s deepened shadowing,
The noises of the city drift away
Thro’ sultry streets and alleys, and the gray
Fogs ’round the great cathedral rise and cling.
I long and long, but no desire will bring
Against my face the keen wind salt with spray.

O, far away, green waves, your voices call ;
Your cool lips kiss the wild and weedy shore ;
And out upon the sea line sails are brown —
White sea birds, crying, hover — soft shades fall —
Deep waters dimple ’round the dripping oar,
And last rays light the little fishing town.

 – Mary C. Gillington