Intra Muros


At last ’tis gone, the fever of the day —
Thank God, there comes an end to everything;
Under the night cloud’s deepened shadowing,
The noises of the city drift away
Thro’ sultry streets and alleys, and the gray
Fogs ’round the great cathedral rise and cling.
I long and long, but no desire will bring
Against my face the keen wind salt with spray.

O, far away, green waves, your voices call ;
Your cool lips kiss the wild and weedy shore ;
And out upon the sea line sails are brown —
White sea birds, crying, hover — soft shades fall —
Deep waters dimple ’round the dripping oar,
And last rays light the little fishing town.

 – Mary C. Gillington

“You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve,
and that is both honor enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar,
and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth.
Be content.”

– Aslan in Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis

The Soldier and a Child

The Soldier and a Child

I am a weary soldier, cold and bent,
A dark and heavy cloud bends down my head.
A child I passed who called before I went:
I halted, breathless, held by what she said.
As light, unbreaking chains her words had shone;
As calling me from hard and blackened sleep,
It taught me that I should not walk alone;
I drew my heart from shadow dank and deep
And gave it in an answer to her there.

A moving mask my face with trouble lined
Spilled death stained breath that mingled with the air,
And gladness sprang of love and likeness kind.
Her glistening hair, my thornwood stick, we talked
A while in quiet thoughts of burning truth:
Our family fighting fear where slaves had walked,
Friends kept in shining eyes with humble ruth.
And long we stood and spoke of good that war
Cannot defeat while soldiers meet it more.

 – Patrick Lauser